Ep. 152 – Believe with Susan Scollen

Let’s believe in ourselves from the aspect of that inner knowing.

Like anything, belief in ourselves is something we need to practice and there can be quite a few hurdles, right?

That external noise telling us we can’t can be quite debilitaing. But what if we took those challenges and turned them into opportunities?

Let’s build up our core foundations of belief – We are enough. We can acheive what we want. We are worthy.

Be inspired xo


Hi, it’s me Susan, your Health & Life Coach.

I’m passionate about encouraging you to create more health and wellness in your life. Health creates choices – and I believe we have more choices when we’re living in alignment with our soul.

I work with parents and those planning to be parents, to love their lives right where they’re at, and in doing so heal their generational stories so their kids don’t have too.

After having post natal depression, I chose to dig myself out of my big black hole and move from a life I hated to one I love, using happiness as my guide. I also believe that in healing myself, I’ve also healed Teddy and given him the tools to move through challenges he may face in his future. You can find out more about me here.

I’d love to know what resonated with you in this episode, comment below or head over to Susan Scollen on Facebook or Instagram, find the post for this episode and share with me. I look forward to meeting and chatting with you over there.

I mentioned the following resource in this episode:

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