Hello Friday

It’s the day after sharing ‘Testing My Body’ and  everything was looking rosy right? Well, as I noted in that post, my days aren’t all like what happened on Thursday.

Thursday had been a long day. I got up at 5.15am and went to bed at 11.15pm. It wasn’t a hard day, I wasn’t physically or mentally drained, but it was long in time and, on reflection, possibly too long.

That said, I knew I could sleep in on Friday because I only had one call at 9am where I was catching up with a friend and then we were heading off to the Agricultural Show. Full of carnival rides, winning toys and show bags. Of course there are lots of other parts of the show, including animals, art, cakes etc. but we don’t always get to those bits.

Teddy had come down in during the night because he’d had a bad dream, so we woke up together about 8am.

My dry cough started not long after and continued on to a wetter cough. It was more sinus/snot wetness, rather than NTM mucus, plus I was heating up.

At some point during the night I woke up drenched in sweat. It wasn’t enough to change my pyjama top, but I could have. This is an old symptom of my NTM. I had nights where I would wake up drenched, my pillow was drenched and I had to put down a towel on the bed because it was drenched. Whilst it could be peri-menopause, it’s too hit and miss for that.

It was a colder night, and I think that was the main cause of my sweating. You know those nights where it’s cold out of the doona and you’re toasty under the doona, but the temperature change is too much for your body and you over heat. It was one of those nights.

That annoying, dry and then mucus cough, which was mostly like clearing mucus from the back of my throat, rather than from my chest, was there for most of the day.

I barely even noticed it because coughing today was my normal. It would have been annoying for others.

Then, randomly, I’d have that lovely yellow NTM come up, then clear.

As I sit here tonight, writing this, it’s like I don’t have a cough at all. I feel very dry and clear – which seems crazy to me. How can I go from a day of messiness to nothingness? And perhaps that’s our journey of life. Sometimes we feel like it’s all happening and sometimes we’re in empty space – and both can be ok.

I share this to show how different things can be. Even now, when some days I feel like I’ve got this thing sorted, days like Friday happen and they’re the days when I remind myself that ‘change is good’ and to ‘thank my body for healing’ because that’s exactly what it’s doing.

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