Ep. 219 – Our Soul Life Journaling Part 3 with Susan Scollen

Welcome back for the next instalment in the Our Soul Life journalling series.

If you’ve been following along, the last two parts have set the foundations for this journey and in this next step we dive deep and focus in on one of the 12 areas that is really important to us – creating a flow on effect to the other 11 areas.

This is where break down our focus area with 5 key journalling points, slowly and gently to develop a clear understanding about what’s next.

Let’s inspire each other xo


Hi, it’s me Susan, your Soul Life Coach and Our Soul Life Conversations.

I’m passionate about encouraging and supporting you to create more of what you want and dream about in your life and I believe we can create a life in alignment with our soul.

I work with parents and those planning to be parents, to love their lives right where they’re at, and in doing so heal their generational stories so their kids don’t have too, and live the life they’ve always wanted – a life of fun, laughter and love!

After having post natal depression, I chose to dig myself out of my big black hole and move from a life I hated to one I love, using happiness as my guide. I also believe that in healing myself, I’ve also healed Teddy and given him the tools to move through challenges he may face in his future. You can find out more about me here.

I’d love to know what resonated with you in this episode, comment below or head over to Susan Scollen on Facebook or Instagram, find the post for this episode and share with me. I look forward to meeting and chatting with you over there.

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